Prashanth Dental Clinic(Vijayanagar)
Procare Dental Clinic(Nagarabhavi)
Dental Care for Children

ImageEvery parent knows that chocolates, lollies, and fizzy drinks are bad for their child’s teeth. It’s because the sugar in these foods and drinks is harmful and causes dental decay. Tooth decay is caused by how frequently we snack and how long you are exposed to food at any one time.

Don’t worry; it’s not all bad news. No one is saying that your children should never be allowed to eat sugary foods again! Rather, when choosing snacks, be aware of how much sugar is in them, but more importantly, reduce the number of times they eat these foods and make sure they are eaten in an appropriate time frame, not over long periods of time.

Tips to stop decay

  • Avoid snack foods that are sticky, gummy, chewy or sweet.
  • Avoid grazing. Have set meal times and form a routine.
  • Limit fruit to two servings a day. Fruit is good but too much can be harmful.
  • Give your kids water with every meal to help wash away lingering food.
  • Be selective with snacks. Vegies, cheese and lean meats are great and tasty.
  • Start good oral habits early. Teach kids to brush at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and to floss regularly. . Spend 2 minutes brushing, concentrating a good portion of this time on the back molars. This is an area where cavities often first develop. Replace the toothbrush every 3 or 4 months, or sooner if it shows signs of wear.
  • Get enough fluoride. Regular use of fluoride toughens the enamel, making it harder for acid to penetrate.
  • Start cleaning your child's mouth even before her teeth come in. Wipe the gums off after each feeding with a warm, wet washcloth or a dampened piece of gauze wrapped around your finger. You can also buy thimble-like, soft rubbery devices (they fit over your index finger) to use for rubbing off excess food.
Taking care of teeth, gums, lips and the mouth are important from a very early age. The habits your children form today are the ones they will take through life and will have a dramatic effect on their overall health. Teach them good habits and lead by example.

When to see the dentist

As a rule of thumb it is time for a dental visit when your baby’s first tooth becomes visible or they reach 12 months old – whichever comes first. If you notice anything you think is out of the ordinary before this time it’s better to be safe than sorry, so book an appointment straight away.

The earlier your child visits the dentist the better. Prevention is better than cure and early dental visits will help protect your child from tooth decay.

Preparing for future dental visits

Parents play a very important role in making visits to the dentist a positive and enjoyable experience. It is very important that when you talk about the dentist that you use positive and child-friendly terms, like; “seeing the tooth fairy’s friend” or “going for a ride in the dental chair”.

The 5 Don’ts of Dental Visits

  • Don’t tell your child to be brave (they already are)
  • Don’t bribe your child
  • Don’t tell your child that it will or won’t hurt
  • Don’t use the dentist as a deterrent or punishment
  • Don’t be anxious yourself

Our Services

Our Pediatric Dentistry Clinic provides friendly, comprehensive care for children 8 years of age and under, and for adolescents with special healthcare needs.

  • Comprehensive oral evaluation and assessment
  • Teeth cleaning and fluoride treatments
  • Sealants
  • Tooth-colored fillings
  • Space maintainers (to save space for adult teeth)
  • Athletic mouth guards
  • Sedation and General Anesthesia for children
  • Urgent Care (no appointment necessary)
  • Special Needs
Forming good habits at a young age can help your child have healthy teeth for life.

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Dr. Prashanth Kumar
Dr. Prashanth Kumar's vision to fulfill the need for specialized dental care and treatment resulted in the establishment of Prashanth Dental Clinic in 1999.

He graduated from Government Dental College, Bangalore in 1999. Completed his Diplomat in Orthodontics from ICNOG university, Italy. He is also a fellow in Implant and Esthetic Dentistry. He is an active Member of the International Orthodontic Association and Indian Dental Association. He is also an authorized dental surgeon to KPCL and BHEL.
Dr. Soujanya Prashanth
Dr. SOUJANYA PRASHANTH graduated from SDM, Dharwad in 2002. She is an active Member of the Indian Dental Association. She is a consultant dental surgeon to BGS GLOBAL HOSPITAL, Kengeri, Bangalore. She is also an authorized dental surgeon to BEL and BHEL.

She started her practice from the year 2004 and with that came the establishment of Procare Dental Clinic , she has evolved the clinic from the basic requirement to advanced facilities to each and every patient.


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Prashanth Dental Clinic

#175, 15th Main, M.C. Layout,
Opposite Vijayanagar Metro
Station ( Gate A)
Vijayanagar, Bangalore-560040

Procare Dental Clinic

#3, Jnanabharathi Main Road, Nagarabhavi,

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